Techorama Belgium 2019 - Session Material
24 May 2019 - Docker, CSharp, Blazor, Angular, WebAssembly, Techorama
This year, I was again speaker at Techorama Belgium. I did a full-day workshop about Containers in Azure, one session about Angular, and one about Blazor. In this blog post I share the material and recordings of my talks.

Container on Azure and CSharp Spans at dotnet Cologne
Yesterday, I was at dotnet Cologne speaking about Container on Azure and Spans in CSharp. As every year, it was a great conference. Impressive, what community can do. In this post I publish links to the material I used in my sessions.

Building a Tiny Docker Image
28 April 2019 - Docker, Container, Assembler
Tomorrow, I will do a session at a high school for computer science. They asked me to speak about Docker container and related technologies like Kubernetes. In the session, I want to highlight that containers are not just VMs. So I decided to build a tiny, tiny Docker image using assembler language.

DevOne 2019 - Blazor Starship Travel Demo
11 April 2019 - ASPNET Core, ASPNET, Blazor, WebAssembly, SPA
Today, I did a talk at the DevOne conference in Linz. My topic was ASP.NET Core Blazor. In 30 minutes, I had to give the audience an idea, what Blazor is capable of doing. In this post, I share the material I used in my session.

ICCC - Azure Container Registry
09 April 2019 - Azure, Container, Docker, CLI, Registry
Today, I do a talk about Azure Container Registry at the Intelligent Cloud Conference in Copenhagen. In this post you find my material (scripts) and a recording of my session.

Azure DevCamp Vienna - Docker on Azure
26 March 2019 - Azure, Container, Docker, CLI
Learn how to use Docker on Azure. Material I used during Azure DevCamp Vienna 2019.

Managed Identities and Azure Key Vault
26 September 2018 - Azure, .NET, JWT, Node
Learn how to manage your secrets using Managed Identities for Azure Resources and Azure Key Vault.

Techorama Belgium 2018 - Async Programming with JavaScript and TypeScript
23 May 2018 - JavaScript, TypeScript
Its Techorama in Belgium again. This time I speak about async programming with JavaScript and TypeScript. In this blog post I would like to share my sample code and the recording of the session.

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner
17 January 2018 - Visual Studio, Software Quality Days, Testing, VSTS
Today, I had the honor to represent Microsoft at the Tools Challenge of the Software Quality Days 2018 in Vienna. The audience voted - and we won :-)

TechDays Sweden 2017 - Dockerizing .NET Apps
26 October 2017 - .NET, Docker, Microservices, TechDays
Yesterday, I did a session about Dockerizing .NET applications at TechDays Sweden. In this blog post, I share a recording of my talk and the slides that I used.